


阴茎异常勃起 is an uncommon condition that causes a prolonged 和 often painful erection, 在没有性刺激的情况下发生. 在三分之一的病例中,病因不明. The remaining cases are caused by an associated condition, 包括镰状细胞病, 盆腔肿瘤, 盆腔感染, 白血病, 生殖器外伤或脊髓外伤, 和 药物或娱乐性药物.

阴茎异常勃起 is classified into two types – ischemic (no-flow) or non-ischemic (high-flow).

  • 缺血性阴茎异常勃起. This is the most common form of priapism 和 usually occurs with several hours or days of a painful erection. It is caused by an obstruction in the penis' venous drainage, which results in a buildup of poorly oxygenated blood in the corpora cavernosa, the tissue that forms the bulk of the erectile body of the penis.

    缺血性阴茎异常勃起 is considered a medical emergency 和 requires immediate treatment. 如果不及时治疗, 这种情况会严重损害勃起功能, 通过造成大面积的疤痕组织堆积和阳痿.
  • Non-ischemic阴茎异常勃起. 这种类型的阴茎勃起不常见,也不痛苦. It is usually caused by an injury to the penis or perineum, the area between the scrotum 和 anus. The injury causes the artery within the erectile body to rupture, 和 thus pump large amount of blood to the penis continuously.


UCSF is a national leader in treating urological disorders, 包括男性性功能障碍, 尿失禁, 盆腔痛, 尿路结石病, 男性不育和前列腺疾病. 我们提供最新的治疗技术, 我们的团队致力于提供创新, 高度熟练的关怀和同情心.

Treatment for priapism aims to eliminate the erection 和 pain as well as to preserve normal erectile function. 有些案件会自行解决. Cold showers, ice packs, exercise 和 pain medications can relieve 症状.

如果这些治疗是不够的, we may need to use other techniques to normalize blood circulation in the penis. These might include injecting drugs to open the veins or placing a shunt to set up a new path for blood flow. When a ruptured artery causes priapism, we employ techniques that cut off the blood flow.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

Symptoms of priapism include a prolonged 和 often painful erection without sexual stimulation.



非缺血性阴茎勃起障碍的诊断 also involves a medical history 和 examination to determine any underlying medical causes 和 duration of the condition. 除了, 十大赌博平台排行榜会给你做多普勒检查, 哪个测量你阴茎的血流量.

当有疑问时, a small needle may be placed in the penis to draw some blood, 然后送到实验室进行分析. This will help determine which type of priapism the patient is experiencing.


诊断 involves a medical history 和 examination to determine any underlying medical causes 和 the duration of the condition. 在体检期间, 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会评估疼痛的严重程度, the rigidity of the penis 和 lack of involvement of certain parts of the penis. This also will include checking the rectum 和 the abdomen for evidence of unusual growths or abnormalities that may indicate the presence of cancer. 除了, a sample of your blood will be analyzed to exclude sickle cell disease, 重度地中海贫血和 白血病.


Treatment for all forms of priapism aims to eliminate the erection 和 pain 和 preserve normal erectile function. 十大赌博平台排行榜 recommend that anyone experiencing an erection lasting four hours should seek medical evaluation 和 treatment.


缺血性阴茎异常勃起 is considered a medical emergency 和 requires immediate treatment. 如果不及时治疗, 这种情况会严重损害勃起功能.

In the early stages of ischemic priapism, a cold shower or ice pack may relieve 症状. 以爬楼梯的形式进行锻炼也可能有所帮助. Medications, such as analgesics 和 opiates to control pain, may be recommended as well.


  • 海绵内药物治疗. This treatment is often very effective in treating low-flow priapism. 它涉及到注射一种叫做α激动剂的药物, 比如稀释的新辛弗林, 插入阴茎, 是什么导致静脉扩张. As a result, the blood circulation to the penis is re-established.
  • 分流手术. During this procedure, a surgical shunt is created to restore normal blood circulation. A surgical shunt creates a new route for the trapped blood to return to the body.


This condition does not require urgent treatment 和 in some cases, the condition may resolve itself spontaneously after days or months, 此时勃起能力恢复正常. In some instances where treatment is necessary, the following procedures may be recommended:

  • 栓塞. This technique reduces blood flow in the penis by obstructing the ruptured artery. This may be achieved by having a radiologist insert specially designed coils, 将胶状物或球体注入阴茎.
  • 手术结扎. The condition can also be treated by tying off the ruptured artery, 哪一种有助于恢复阴茎的正常血液流动.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only 和 is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



In one-third of the cases, the cause of priapism is unknown. A variety of 药物或娱乐性药物 also can lead to priapism. 在这里找到一个列表.

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