


肠系膜血管造影术 is a test used to look at the blood vessels that supply the small and large intestines.

血管造影是一种影像学检查 x射线 and a special dye to see the insides of the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.


Abdominal arteriogram; Arteriogram - abdomen; Mesenteric angiogram


这个测试是在十大赌博平台排行榜里进行的. 你将躺在x光台上. You may ask for medicine to help you relax (sedative) if you need it.

  • During the test, your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing will be checked.
  • The health care provider will shave and clean the groin. A numbing medicine (anesthetic) is injected into the skin over an artery. 一根针插入动脉.
  • A thin flexible tube called a catheter is passed through the needle. 它被移入动脉, and up through the main vessels of the belly area until it is properly placed into a mesenteric artery. 十大赌博平台排行榜用x光作为指导. The doctor can see live images of the area on a TV-like monitor.
  • Contrast dye is injected through this tube to see if there are any problems with the blood vessels. 动脉的x射线图像.

Certain treatments can be done during this procedure. These items are passed through the catheter to the area in the artery that needs treatment. 这些包括:

  • 用药物溶解血块
  • 用气球打开部分阻塞的动脉
  • Placing a small tube called a stent into an artery to help hold it open

After the x射线 or treatments are finished, the catheter is removed. Pressure is applied to the puncture site for 20 to 45 minutes to stop the bleeding. After that time the area is checked and a tight bandage is applied. The leg where the needle was placed is most often kept straight for another 6 hours after the procedure. You should avoid strenuous activity, such as heavy lifting, for 24 to 48 hours.


You should not eat or drink anything for 6 to 8 hours before the test.

You will be asked to wear a hospital gown and sign a consent form for the procedure. 从被成像的区域取出珠宝.


  • 如果你怀孕了
  • If you have ever had any allergic reactions to x-ray contrast material, 贝类, 或者碘物质
  • 如果你对任何药物过敏
  • Which medicines you are taking (including any herbal preparations)
  • 如果你曾经有过出血问题


You may feel a brief sting when the numbing medicine is given. You will feel a brief sharp pain and some pressure as the catheter is placed and moved into the artery. In most cases, you will feel only a sensation of pressure in the groin area.

As the dye is injected, you will feel a warm, flushing sensation. 你可能有温柔和 瘀伤 at the site of the catheter insertion after the test.



  • 当有症状时 血管狭窄或阻塞 在肠内
  • To find the source of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract
  • To find the cause of ongoing abdominal pain and weight loss when no cause can be identified
  • When other studies do not provide enough information about abnormal growths along the intestinal tract
  • To look at blood vessel damage after an abdominal injury

A mesenteric angiogram may be performed after more sensitive nuclear medicine scans have identified active bleeding. The radiologist can then pinpoint and treat the source.


Results are normal if the examined arteries are normal in appearance.


常见的异常发现是 动脉变窄和硬化 它们供应大肠和小肠. This can cause mesenteric ischemia in which the intestine does not receive enough blood to function normally. The problem occurs when fatty material (plaque) builds up on the walls of your arteries.

异常结果也可能是由于 小肠和大肠出血. 这可能是由于:

  • 结肠血管发育不良
  • 血管因受伤而破裂


  • 血凝块
  • 肝硬化
  • 肿瘤


There is some risk of the catheter damaging the artery or knocking loose a piece of the artery wall. This can reduce or block blood flow and lead to tissue death. 这是一种罕见的并发症.


  • 对造影剂过敏
  • Damage to the blood vessel where the needle and catheter are inserted
  • Excessive bleeding or a blood clot where the catheter is inserted, 哪一种可以减少流向腿部的血流量
  • 心脏病发作或中风
  • Hematoma, a collection of blood at the site of the needle puncture
  • 感染
  • 针刺部位的神经受到损伤
  • 染料对肾脏造成损害
  • Damage to the intestine if the blood supply is reduced


进行诊断, your doctor may also perform a computed tomography (CT) angiography or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) before or in place of catheter angiography.


Mcquinn CW, Orion KC. 血管内诊断技术. 见:Sidawy AN, Perler BA编. Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy. 10日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2023:chap 62.

罗立荣,薛默霍恩. Mesenteric arterial disease: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical evaluation. 见:Sidawy AN, Perler BA编. Rutherford's Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy. 10日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2023:chap 62.

van den Bosch H, Westenberg JJM, de Roos A. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance angiography: carotids, aorta, and peripheral vessels. 见:Manning WJ, Pennell DJ,编辑. 心血管磁共振. 3日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:chap 44.

审核日期: 10/18/2022

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A开发的信息.D.A.M.公司. regarding tests and test results may not directly correspond with information provided by 加州大学旧金山分校健康. Please discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.


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