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Lymph node biopsy



淋巴结是产生白细胞(淋巴细胞)的小腺体,可以抵抗感染. 淋巴结可能会捕获引起感染的细菌. Cancer can spread to lymph nodes.

Alternative Names

Biopsy - lymph nodes; Open lymph node biopsy; Fine needle aspiration biopsy; Sentinel lymph node biopsy

How the Test is Performed

淋巴结活组织检查通常在十大赌博平台排行榜的手术室或门诊外科中心进行. The biopsy may be done in different ways.

开放性活组织检查是切除全部或部分淋巴结的手术. 如果在检查中可以感觉到淋巴结,通常会这样做. 这可以通过局部麻醉(麻醉药物)注射到该区域来完成, or under general anesthesia. The procedure is typically done in the following way:

  • You lie on the examination table. 十大赌博平台排行榜可能会给你开一些药让你平静下来,让你昏昏欲睡,或者给你做全身麻醉, which means you are asleep and pain-free.
  • The biopsy site is cleansed.
  • A small surgical cut (incision) is made. The lymph node or part of the node is removed.
  • 用缝线缝合切口,并用绷带或液体粘合剂包扎.
  • An open biopsy may take 30 to 45 minutes.

对于某些癌症,使用一种特殊的方法来寻找最佳的淋巴结进行活检. 这被称为前哨淋巴结活检,它包括:

A tiny amount of a tracer, 放射性示踪剂(放射性同位素)或蓝色染料,或两者兼而有之, 是在肿瘤部位注射还是在肿瘤区域注射.

示踪剂或染料流入最近的(局部)节点或节点. These nodes are called the sentinel nodes. 前哨淋巴结是癌症可能扩散的第一个淋巴结.

The sentinel node or nodes are removed.

腹部淋巴结活检可以通过腹腔镜进行. 这是一个装有灯和照相机的小管子,通过腹部的一个小切口插入. 将做一个或多个其他切口,并插入工具以帮助切除淋巴结. 找到淋巴结并将其部分或全部切除. This is usually performed under general anesthesia, 也就是说做这个手术的人会处于睡眠状态并且不会感到疼痛.


针活检包括将针插入淋巴结. 这种类型的活组织检查可以由放射科十大赌博平台排行榜在局部麻醉下进行, using ultrasound or CT scan to find the node. 如果能感觉到淋巴结,也可以由外科十大赌博平台排行榜在没有成像的情况下进行.

How to Prepare for the Test

Tell your provider:

  • If you are pregnant
  • If you have any drug allergies
  • If you have bleeding problems
  • 你正在服用什么药物(包括任何补充剂或草药)

Your provider may ask you to:

  • Stop taking any blood thinners, such as aspirin, heparin, warfarin (Coumadin), or clopidogrel (Plavix) as directed
  • 在活检前的一段时间内不要吃或喝任何东西
  • Arrive at a certain time for the procedure

How the Test will Feel

注射局部麻醉剂时,你会感到刺痛和轻微的刺痛. 检查后,活检部位会疼痛几天.

After an open or laparoscopic biopsy, 疼痛通常是轻微的,你可以很容易地用非处方止痛药控制它. 你可能还会注意到一些瘀伤或液体泄漏几天. Follow instructions for taking care of the incision. While the incision is healing, 避免任何会引起疼痛或不适的剧烈运动或举重. 向您的提供者询问您可以做哪些活动的具体说明.

Why the Test is Performed


  • When you or your provider feel swollen lymph glands and they do not go away
  • 当乳房x光检查、超声波检查发现异常淋巴结时, CT, or MRI scan
  • For some people with cancer, such as breast cancer or melanoma检查癌症是否扩散(由放射科十大赌博平台排行榜进行前哨淋巴结活检或穿刺活检)


Normal Results

如果淋巴结活检没有发现任何癌症的迹象, 更有可能的是附近的其他淋巴结也没有癌症. 这些信息可以帮助十大赌博平台排行榜决定进一步的检查和治疗.

What Abnormal Results Mean


For example, enlarged lymph nodes may be due to:

  • Cancers (breast, lung, oral)
  • HIV
  • Cancer of the lymph tissue (Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma)
  • Infection (tuberculosis, cat scratch disease)
  • 淋巴结及其他器官和组织的炎症(sarcoidosis)



  • Bleeding
  • 感染(在极少数情况下,伤口可能会感染,你可能需要服用抗生素)
  • 神经损伤,如果活检是在靠近神经的淋巴结上进行的(麻木通常在几个月内消失)


Chernecky CC, Berger BJ. Biopsy, site-specific - specimen. In: Chernecky CC, Berger BJ, eds. Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures. 6th ed. St Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders; 2013:199-202.

Chung A, Giuliano AE. 乳腺癌的淋巴结定位和前哨淋巴结切除术. 见:Bland KI, Copeland EM, Klimberg VS, Gradishar WJ等. 乳腺:良恶性疾病的综合治疗. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:chap 42.

National Cancer Institute website. Sentinel lymph node biopsy. /对癌症/ diagnosis-staging /临时/ sentinel-node-biopsy-fact-sheet. Updated June 25, 2019. Accessed July 7, 2022.

Young NA, Dulaimi E, Al-Saleem T. Lymph nodes: cytomorphology and flow cytometry. In: Bibbo M, Wilbur DC, eds. Comprehensive Cytopathology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2015:chap 25.

Review Date: 04/20/2022

此处提供的信息不应用于任何医疗紧急情况或用于任何医疗状况的诊断或治疗. 在诊断和治疗任何和所有医疗状况时,应咨询有执照的十大赌博平台排行榜. Call 911 for all medical emergencies. 其他网站的链接仅供参考——它们不构成对其他网站的认可. Copyright ©2019 A.D.A.M., Inc.,由加州大学旧金山分校修改. 严禁复制或分发本网站所载资料.

Information developed by A.D.A.M., Inc. 关于测试和测试结果可能与UCSF健康中心提供的信息不直接对应. 请与您的十大赌博平台排行榜讨论您可能有的任何问题或担忧.


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